the Homeschool Network of north texas

Get ready to experience the joy of homeschooling with us! Our community is here to support you every step of the way. Discover amazing resources and connect with other parents.  

Join the fun today!


At the Homeschool Network of North Texas, we're more than just an educational resource - we're a family! Our member-governed community welcomes families of all backgrounds and provides a safe and supportive environment for all members. Whether you're a first-time homeschooler or a seasoned pro, we've got everything you need to succeed.

Join us and discover a range of resources and activities for students of all ages and abilities, as well as opportunities for parents to connect and support one another. From field trips to special events, there's always something exciting going on with the Homeschool Network of North Texas!


The Area We Serve

Our homeschool network serves families in the following areas:

If you live in one of these areas, join our network to connect with other homeschooling families in your community!