
 The Homeschool Network Bylaws

Article 1 - Organization Overview

Section 1 - Name

The name of this organization shall be The Homeschool Network (herein referred to as THN), and this document will serve as the bylaws of The Homeschool Network.

Section 2 - Purpose

The Homeschool Network is a nonprofit corporation organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Homeschool Network was formed to provide support and activities for its member homeschooling families.

Section 3 - Legal Designations

The Homeschool Network is a nonprofit corporation in the state of Texas. The principal office of The Homeschool Network is in Denton County, Texas, The Homeschool Network shall continuously maintain a registered office and a registered agent in the state of Texas as required by the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act. The registered office may, but need not be, identical to the principal office of The Homeschool Network in the state of Texas, and the address of the registered office may be changed from time to time by The Board of Directors by applicable law.

Section 4 - Mission

The Homeschool Network is a member-governed community of homeschooling families in North Texas. Our inclusive membership welcomes diverse homeschooling styles, races, religions, life philosophies, political views, and family compositions. We strive to provide a safe and welcoming environment for all children, offering group-wide and age-specific activities for all levels of ability. From toddlers to teens, we aim to meet the needs of all our members. We also offer support for the entire homeschooling family, with events and activities for parents and family members.

Article 2 - Membership

Memberships are valid from August 1st of the current year through May 31st of the following year. Membership will be granted for children who are 4 years old or older. Children under the age of 4 may be eligible for membership if they have one sibling in The Homeschool Network who is over the age of 4.

Section 1 - Membership Benefits

The Homeschool Network membership offers multiple benefits to The Homeschool Network members. Members receive information and updates about all topics relating to The Homeschool Network, and eligibility to attend all The Homeschool Network activities, including field trips and other functions. Members will receive member identification cards and have access to The Homeschool Network App. Membership Benefits are extended to all members in good standing. A member in good standing is defined as a member who is current on all payments to The Homeschool Network organization and has fulfilled the requirements for membership.

Section 2 - Membership Eligibility

1. Legal Guardian(s). Any legal guardian(s) of children who are actively engaged in the homeschooling of their children, or the children in their care, may become a member of The Homeschool Network.

2. Legal Guardian(s) of Sponsored Child. Any legal guardian(s) of a sponsored child who is actively engaged in the homeschooling of their children can become a member of The Homeschool Network

3. Exceptions. The Board of Directors may make an exception to the criteria above with a unanimous vote.

Section 3 - Rights of Members

Each membership shall be entitled to a single vote in any matter to be voted on by the group. The following actions shall require the approval of the Members at a meeting.

Section 4 - Resignation and Termination

Any member may resign by filing a written resignation with The Board of Directors Secretary. Resignation shall not relieve a member of unpaid tuition, or other charges previously accrued. Membership may be revoked by vote of The Board of Directors for valid causes, such as:

1. Conduct that brings dishonor to The Homeschool Network.

2. Conduct that is abusive, disruptive, or divisive to the group.

3. Conduct that is unlawful.

4. Excessive absences, defined as no communication with the Board of Directors for 60 days.

a. A member of the Board of Directors will attempt to contact you via text and private message on the band app.

b. If 3 days pass with no response, your membership will be terminated.

Tuition is non-refundable.

*Review Section 9 - Disagreement and/or Conflict within The Homeschool Network Organization 

Section 5 - Non-voting Membership

The Board of Directors shall have the authority to establish and define non-voting categories of Membership.

Section 6 - Membership Process

Prior to being accepted or renewed, all potential or current The Homeschool Network members who meet eligibility requirements must complete a Membership Application.

The Membership Application period is open annually for existing members from May 15th to July 31st and for new members from June 1st through July 31st for all homeschooling families in the North Texas area that align with our purpose and mission statements. Membership is granted upon the submission of the following completed items:

1. Complete Membership Application Online 

a. Sign Photo Acknowledgment

i. Purpose: The purpose of The Homeschool Network Photo Acknowledgement is to grant The Homeschool Network the authority to document, utilize on social media platforms, and feature in promotional materials the activities of The Homeschool Network for both current and prospective members.

ii. Requirement for Membership: For all potential or current The Homeschool Network members who meet eligibility requirements, before being accepted into membership or renewed for membership, the member agrees to The Homeschool Network Photo Acknowledgment.

b. Sign Liability Release Form

i. Purpose: The purpose of The Homeschool Network Liability Release Form is to ensure The Homeschool Network has the most current information on file and releases The Homeschool Network of any liability for accidents that may occur while at The Homeschool Network functions or field trips, etc.

ii. Requirement of Member: The member is responsible for completing a new Liability Release Form each year.

2. Once the Application is Received

a.The Membership Director will review the application.

i. Goal: The goal of The Homeschool Network Membership Director is to ensure applicants meet the eligibility requirements and have completed the process for acceptance into The Homeschool Network.

ii. Background Check: All applicants of the Homeschool Group must undergo a background check. This includes parents, guardians, and other adults who will be present during the group's activities. The purpose of the background check is to ensure the safety and well-being of all children participating in the group.

1. The background check will include a review of criminal records and sex offender registries. All information gathered during the background check will be kept confidential and will only be disclosed to The Board of Directors.

2. Any applicant who refuses to submit to a background check will not be allowed to join The Homeschool Network. Additionally, any applicant who has been found to have a criminal record or to be listed on a sex offender registry will be declined membership.

b. The Membership Director reserves the right to conduct additional inquiries, as necessary, and has the final authority to determine membership acceptance.

c. The Applicant is notified of the decision.

3. Pay Annual Tuition

a. Purpose: The purpose of The Homeschool Network's Annual Tuition is to provide basic operating funds for The Homeschool Network.

b. Requirement for Membership: Before being accepted into membership or renewed for membership, the member must pay Annual Tuition to The Homeschool Network.

4. Accept Invitation to The Homeschool Network App

Section 7 - Enrollment Limits

The Homeschool Network has the right to limit the number of members in the organization. This is to ensure that The Homeschool Network can provide high-quality services to its members.

When enrollment is limited, the following process will be followed:

1. Current members will have the opportunity to renew their membership for the next year before new members are accepted.

2. If spots are still available, the Membership Director will notify prospective members on the waitlist.

a. To be put on the waitlist you must have a referral from a current member.

3. If spots are still available, the Membership Director will open enrollment to the public. The opening of enrollment will be announced on the Homeschool School Network's website, along with instructions on how to apply for membership.

a. The Membership Director will announce the opening of enrollment on the network's website and will provide instructions on how to apply for membership.

b. Open spots are filled on a first-come, first-served basis.

4. The network maintains the authority to decline membership to any applicant who does not meet the organization's eligibility criteria.

a. The reasons for denial of membership may include:

i. Failure to pass or obtain a satisfactory background check.

ii. Incomplete application submission.

iii. Non-payment of required tuition fees.

b. The Homeschool Network adheres to a strict non-discrimination policy and does not discriminate based on race, age, or  gender.

Section 8 - The Homeschool Network Member's Responsibility to Report Potential Unlawful Acts

The Homeschool Network values the safety of our members and their children above all else. As such, we take all accusations of unlawful acts very seriously.

1. The Homeschool Network Member:

a. Are required to report any potential unlawful acts to The Board of Directors immediately upon knowledge of such acts.

2. The Homeschool Network Board of Directors:

a. is required to report any potential unlawful acts to the appropriate authorities for timely investigation.

Section 9 – Disagreement and/or Conflict within The Homeschool Network Organization

1. General Provisions: The purpose of this section is to lay out the process for dealing with the following and applies to all members.

a. Disagreements or Conflicts Between Members

i. The member should go to the person with whom he or she has a disagreement and explain the offense, believing it can and will be corrected. Restoration of the relationship between the two individuals is the goal.

ii. If the issue has still not been resolved, the individuals agree to mediation by a Director of their choosing with the restoration of the relationship between the individuals as the goal.

iii. If the issue has still not been resolved after mediation by a Director, then both parties involved shall present their understanding of the issue to the entire Board for mediation. Both parties will agree to abide by The Board of Director's final decision.

   b. Member Disagreements or Conflicts with The Homeschool Network Organization

i. Consult informally with a Director of their choosing.

ii. If the member disagrees with the Director, they may present their position to the entire Board for mediation. The member must abide by The Board of Director’s final decision.

c. The Homeschool Network Organization Disagreements or Conflicts with a Member or Child in the Member's Care

i. A Director shall meet with all parties involved to address the violation. The director will then decide if the issue is resolved or needs to be escalated to The Board of Directors. The goal is for there to be a positive outcome for both the member(s) and the organization.

ii. If escalated to The Board of Directors, involved parties will present their case to the entire Board. A simple majority vote will be held and the parties will be notified. The member agrees to abide by The Board of Director's final decision.

Article 3 - The Homeschool Network Tuition

Section 1 - The Homeschool Network Annual Membership Tuition

Tuition is paid per family. The dollar amount of annual tuition for a family membership shall be determined each year by The Board of Directors and announced by June 1st.

The effective date of membership is the date the member's payment is received by The Homeschool Network.

Section 2 - Forfeiture of The Homeschool Network Membership Due to Non-Payment 

If tuition is not paid by the end of the open enrollment period, membership is forfeited.

Section 3 - Financial Hardship

Any member who finds the payment of membership tuition to be a financial hardship may petition The Board of Directors for a reduction or waiver of tuition. Upon approval by a simple majority of The Board of Directors, the membership tuition shall be reduced or waived for the year, and the member shall be eligible to receive the full rights and privileges of membership. The Membership Director shall notify the member within a timely manner of the decision.

Article 4 - Member Meetings

Section 1 - Meetings

The date, time, and location of the Annual Member Meeting shall be determined by The Board of Directors.

Additional special meetings may be called by a Director of The Board of Directors. 

Section 2 - Meeting Notice

Members will be notified 2 weeks in advance of scheduled meetings on The Homeschool Network App.

Section 3 - Meeting Attendance

All adult members of The Homeschool Network may attend scheduled meetings. 

Section 4 - Quorum

The members present at any properly announced meeting shall constitute a quorum.

Article 5 - The Board of Directors Overview

Section 1 - Roles of The Board of Directors

The Board of Directors (herein referred to as the Board) shall act as the primary caretaker of The Homeschool Network Bylaws.

1. General Authority

a. The Board of Directors shall have general supervision and control of all activities of the organization.

Section 2 - General Provisions 

1. Board of Directors

a. The business of the organization shall be managed by a Board of Directors.

b. The Board of Directors is responsible for maintaining the overall policy and direction of the organization.

c. The Board of Directors shall delegate responsibility for day-to-day operations to volunteer members and teams.

d. The Board of Directors will keep all information discussed confidential in order to protect members of the group and the organization

e. The Board of Directors operates as a singular unit.

f. The Board of Directors shall have 4 Directors.

i. The Board of Directors shall appoint each of these Directors.

ii. The Board of Directors may also appoint other Directors it deems necessary.

 2. Disagreements Among The Directors

a. The Directors present any issue or disagreement to a fellow Director of their choosing.

b. Every reasonable attempt should be made for Directors to amicably reconcile differences.

c. If the Directors cannot come to a solution, then the disagreeing parties should meet with the President and allow them to mediate the discussion.

d. If there is still no resolution, the issue must be brought before The Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will then make the final decision by a simple majority vote.

Section 2 - The Board of Directors Standards

The Board of Directors agrees to the following standards:

1. The Board of Directors shall have been members in good standing for at least one year before assuming office unless The Board of Directors chooses to waive this requirement.

2. Attendance of The Board of Directors

a. Understanding the importance of leadership in the organization, the importance of community, and the necessity of modeling good behavior and attitudes, a Director must demonstrate consistent attendance with The Homeschool Network.

3. Character Qualities of The Board of Directors

 a. Each Director must maintain a high standard of discretion, discernment, and sound judgment in his or her relationships with The Homeschool Network members.

b. Directors should always seek to build up and love one another as they serve the general membership.

c. It is required that The Board of Directors have an attentive, listening ear to any concerns and needs of the membership as The Board of Directors carries out the organization's stated goals

4. The Board of Directors and Their Relationship to One Another

a. It remains essential that Directors hold each other accountable and maintain unity.

Section 3 – The Board of Directors Compensation

The Board of Directors does not receive compensation.

Section 4 – Non-liability of Directors

The Board of Directors shall not be personally liable for the debts, liabilities, or other obligations of The Homeschool Network.

Article 6 - Directors

Section 1 - General Duties of Each Director

Directors have read and understand The Homeschool Network Bylaws, Board Operating Procedures and Policies, and any other Operating Manuals or Handbooks for their area of responsibility, and agree to abide by them. Bylaws are followed by The Board of Directors and The Homeschool Network as a whole.

Section 2 - General Description of Each Board Position 

1. The Educational Directors

a. The Educational Director shall be responsible for overseeing the planning and execution of The Homeschool Network member activities and things of like nature.

b. Duties of the Educational Director shall include:

i. Communicating with The Homeschool Network members regarding events.

c. Responsibilities for activities may be assigned by the Educational Directors to any member of The Homeschool Network.

ii. Functioning as The Homeschool Network contact person with outside venues for such outings and similar duties.

 2. The Secretary

a. The Secretary is responsible for:

i. Record and keep the minutes of all meetings of The Board.

ii. Meeting minutes are confidential

b. If the Secretary is unable to attend a meeting, The Board of Directors shall designate a Designated Secretary for that meeting. The Designated Secretary must be on The Board of Directors

3. The Treasurer / Membership Coordinator

a. The Treasurer shall have charge of all organizational funds.

i. Responsible for collecting and depositing checks made payable to The Homeschool Network within a generally reasonable and customary period.

ii. Present The Homeschool Network Annual Report, based upon a review of the books, to the organization at its Annual Membership Meeting.

b. The Membership Coordinator

i. Process membership applications.

ii. Onboard members and collect tuition. 

iii. Maintain active member list.

 4. The President

a. The President serves The Board of Directors by ensuring the vision of The Board of Directors is in line with The Homeschool Network's Purpose and Mission and ensures that The Board of Directors have what they need to accomplish their approved goals set forth by The Home School Network Bylaws.

i. Preside over all The Homeschool Network Meetings.

ii. Act as the internal and external representative of The Home School Network.

iii. In the case of an unfilled President position, The Board of Directors liaison to the committees that fall under the President will be assigned to the other Directors.

Section 4 - Board Meetings 

1. General Provisions

a. The Directors may participate in a Board Meeting through telephone conference, computer conference, or similar communications equipment as long as each Director participating in the meeting can communicate with all other Directors participating in the meeting.

2. Regular Board Meetings

a. Meetings of The Board shall be held regularly, at such time and place as The Board of Directors may determine. Notification of the said meeting and the agenda must be sent out by the Secretary to all Directors before the meeting.

3. Special Board Meetings

a. Special meetings of The Board of Directors may be held any time The Board of Directors deems fit.

b. The President must provide at least a 24-hour notice of the special meeting.

Section 5 - Quorum

A Board Meeting must be attended by a majority of Directors for business to take place and for motions to pass.

Section 6 – The Board of Directors Decisions

All board actions and decisions shall be made by a majority vote of The Board of Directors unless otherwise specified.

Section 7 – Resignation, termination, and absences

Resignation from a Director must be in writing and received by the Secretary. A Director shall be terminated from The Board of Directors due to a

1. Failure to abide by the Homeschool Network standards.

2. Failure to renew The Homeschool Network Membership.

3. Excessive absences from group activities.

A Director may be removed for cause by unanimous vote of the remaining Directors. The resigning Director shall transfer all information, duties, projects, etc. to The Board of Directors before leaving office.

Upon resignation, it is imperative to maintain strict confidentiality regarding all information discussed within the Board of Directors.

Section 8 – Vacancies

When a vacancy on The Board of Directors exists, the Secretary shall receive nominations for candidates from current Directors to be voted upon at the next Special Board Meeting at which time the position will be filled by a simple majority vote.

Article 7 - The Homeschool Network Committees

Section 1 - General Purpose of The Homeschool Network Committees 

1. Purpose and Goal

a. The Directors will appoint Committees to handle the standard operations of The Homeschool Network.

i. Each of the Committees reports to a Director of the Board.

ii. The goal of the Committees is to help provide support for The Homeschool Network activities.

2. Committee Creation

The Board of Directors may create Committees as needed to carry out the standard operations of The Homeschool Network. The Board of Directors shall appoint all Committee Chair.

a. Committee Chair

i. The Homeschool Network views Committees as integral to the success of the organization since often times they are the eyes and ears for the respective area of operation. Therefore, The Homeschool Network Board understands the need to listen to the ideas and concerns of the Homeschool Network Committees via the Committee Chair.

ii. The role of the Committee Chair is to ensure the Committee is adhering to Bylaws set forth in support of The Home School Network's Mission and Purpose.

iii. The Chair is to bring the Committee's health status, ideas, and concerns to The Board of Directors on behalf of the Committee.

iv. No Committee Chair shall adopt, amend, or repeal the by-laws, amend or repeal any resolution of The Board of Directors.

v. Act on matters committed by the bylaws or resolution of The Board of Directors.

 b. Committee Chair who is also a Director

i. The Director who is also operating as a Committee Chair will ensure relevant information is shared with The Board of Directors from the Committee and make sure the Committee is represented to The Board of Directors as a whole.

ii. The Chair also brings back recommendations from The Board of Directors to the Committee.

iii. A Director may only serve as the Committee Chair for one Committee

c. Committee Chair who is not a Director

i. The Committee Chair is appointed by The Board of Directors by a simple majority vote.

ii. Each Committee Chair will report to a designated Director.

iii. Regular communication between The Board of Directors and the Committee Chair.

iv. It is expected that The Board of Directors will share any recommendations or concerns regarding the Chair's Committee in those meetings and the Chair also brings back recommendations from The Board of Directors to the Committee.

3. Committee Selection

a. The Committee Chair creates a list of potential Committee members.

b. The Homeschool Network member must be active and in good standing. 

c. The list will be submitted to The Board of Directors for approval.

d. The Board of Directors approves the list by a simple majority vote.

Section 2 - Disagreement and/or Conflict with The Homeschool Network Committees

This process for dealing with a disagreement between a member and The Homeschool Network Committee or The Homeschool Network Committee conflict with a member or child in the member's care.

1. Member Disagreement or Conflict with The Homeschool Network Committee.

a. The member can present any issue or disagreement to a Committee Chair.

b. Every reasonable attempt should be made by the member and Committee Chair to amicably reconcile differences.

c. If the member cannot come to a solution, then the member should meet with a Director of their choosing and allow them to mediate the discussion.

d. If the member disagrees with the Director, they may present their position to the entire Board for mediation. The member must abide by The Board of Director’s final decision.

2. The Homeschool Network Committee Disagreements or Conflicts with a Member or Child in the Member's Care

a. The Committee member can present any issue or disagreement to a Committee Chair.

b. A Director shall meet with all parties involved to address the conflict. The Director will then decide if the issue is resolved or needs to be escalated to The Board of Directors. The goal is for there to be a positive outcome for both the member(s) and the organization.

c. If escalated to The Board of Directors, involved parties will present their case to the entire Board. A simple majority vote will be held and the parties will be notified. The member agrees to abide by The Board of Director's final decision.

 Article 8 - External Communications Policy

Section 1 - Purpose

The purpose of The Homeschool Network External Communications Policy is to ensure that The Homeschool Network provides a consistent image and message to its members, potential members, the media, and the general public. Adherence to this policy is required of all members of The Homeschool Network.

Section 2 - Definition of External Communications

External communications are defined as communications that are distributed to and/or viewed by current The Homeschool Network members, potential members, the media, and/or the general public in a public forum. This communication includes, but is not limited to, The Homeschool Network websites, social networking sites, (i.e., Facebook, Instagram, etc.), association-wide emails, groups (i.e., Yahoo groups, Google groups, etc.), message boards and forums, blogs, podcasts/webcasts, public text messaging (i.e., Twitter), newsletters, news releases, flyers, brochures, advertisements, billboards, posters, association forums, association letterhead, business cards, and promotional items.

Section 3 - Violation of the External Communications Policy

The Homeschool Network members and their children may not use social media or other public communication outlets in a way that slanders, demeans, or otherwise causes those who receive that communication to question the good character of The Homeschool Network or its members. Violation of this policy will cause a member to be disciplined.


 Article 9 - IRC 501(c)(3) Tax Exemption Provisions

1. Upon the dissolution of The Homeschool Network, assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or shall be distributed to the federal government, or a state or local government, for public purpose.

2. The Homeschool Network is organized exclusively for charitable, religious, educational, and/or scientific purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. No part of the net earnings of The Homeschool Network net earnings shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, directors, or other private persons.

3. Notwithstanding any other provision of this document, the organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code, or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c)(2) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

 Article 10 - Bylaws Amendments / Revisions

Section 1 - Purpose

The Bylaws provide The Homeschool Network with a governing document that establishes a framework in which The Homeschool Network carries out its functions and operations. Amendments and revisions seek to clarify this framework.

Section 2 - Periodic Bylaws Review

1. A periodic review and updating of the Bylaws by The Board of Directors

a. This should be done every two years.

b. The Board of Directors will review and amend when deemed necessary.

c. The Board of Directors will vote on proposed amendments by a simple majority vote.

d.A notice of change in the Bylaws will be posted in The Homeschool Network App.

Section 3 - Clarification of the Bylaws

1. If there is a question or disagreement on the meaning of the approved Bylaws.

a. The President should submit in writing the answer to the comment or question.

b. If a member is still not satisfied with an answer from the President.

c. The President should contact The Board of Directors.

d. The Board of Directors will have a simple majority vote for the answer

e. The Board of Directors will submit the answer in writing to the comment or question.

Section 4 - Availability of Bylaws Amendments and Revisions

All Bylaws amendments and revisions shall be made available to The Homeschool Network members. The Board of Directors will post them on The Homeschool Network website and The Homeschool Network App.

Article 11 - Dissolution

1. If the membership numbers of The Homeschool Network fall below what is sufficient to provide financially and socially for the stated purposes.

a. Any Director may make a motion that the group dissolve.

b. The Board of Directors will vote on the dissolution.

c. If dissolution passes the Treasurer will pay all outstanding debts.

d. All remaining assets shall be distributed as determined by The Board of Directors to one or more organizations that closely adhere to the mission and purpose of The Homeschool Network Bylaws.

e. The Treasurer shall be responsible for retaining the financial records for 5 years, after which time they may be discarded in a manner that protects the privacy of the membership.

 Certification of Adoption of Bylaws

I do hereby certify that the above-stated Bylaws of The Homeschool Network were approved by The Homeschool Network board of directors on 5/1/2024 and constitute a complete copy of the Bylaws of the corporation.